Keenan The First | Paralegal
Written and Performed by: Keenan The First
Produced by: Alex Valente, Johnny Homen, Mark Einhorn, Andrew Flores
Mixed & Mastered by: Jesse Rhodes
Recorded at: Abstract Recording Studios LLC
Lyrics: genius.com/Keenan-the-first-paralegal-lyrics
About a year ago, I was struggling to make headway.. anywhere in my life. I had a college degree but I was working 2 part-time jobs in the food industry. I was sharing a room with my younger brother, in my parent's apartment, and spending all my disposable cash on music that was going nowhere. I felt stuck.
I knew I had to make changes if I was going to manifest success around me, so I started looking for new ways to make more money, to fund my music.
I spent time researching ways I could become a substitute teacher for the LA Unified School District, and even took the 4-hour CBEST exam to become certified. I passed with flying colors, but never booked a single job. I then took a step back with my English degree and found my way into 2 interviews for writing internships. Long story short, I landed one of them, but they were a start-up that quickly cut their content department - a.k.a me. So, at a loss for what to do, I stumbled on a paralegal program at Pasadena City College. The program looked promising and I went to 2 different information sessions that convinced me it would be a great move. It would be better pay, better hours, and I could support myself and my music with it.
Everything was gravy until I sat down with my mentor Dwayne Colbert, who asked me, "What is your end goal with this?" I couldn't answer with confidence. I just knew it would help me fund my music easier. He proceeded to tell me it seemed like a roundabout plan to do what I actually wanted to do, which was to make music, and that if I truly wanted to make music, I would do it now. He told me that you can't be halfway out the door when it comes to art, you have to be all the way in, ready to starve, ready to sacrifice it all, if you want it to pan out.. and that changed my whole perspective on everything.
I almost went right back to school to be a paralegal, and I thank God I didn't.
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