Kia Harper | Shouldn't Go | Official Music Video #kiaharpershouldntdo
A love story with a less than happy ending, Kia Harper gives her audience a taste of a real life break up with "Shouldn't Do," a song that speaks of the frustration of being ignored but it feels upbeat and refreshing. With a dance hall type of sound, Kia writes about the very relatable scenario of reaching out to an Ex and regretting it after the situation doesn't go as planned. When you pair a director from Jersey with an Artistic eye and a Chicago singer together on one project, you get a product that feels real enough for any viewer and relatable enough to share it with the world.
Written and performed by : @itskiaharper
Directed By: @thereidtv
Enginerred by: @danzorn at @studio11chicago
Backgrounds arranged by @Realvibe_s
MUA: @Jerliciadotcom @makeupispaint
Actors: @eclayton1 @aw_gemini
Actresses: @saavedralewis @Jelly_theraM
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