@HighKlassified | Time In Vain | Official Music Video
Bow down to High Klassified, Fool’s Gold’s own bass lord and style king. The Montreal producer raised on 808s and RPGs takes his sound to weird new heights on the Kronostasis EP (out 10/23), picking up where last years auspicious debut Palindroma (“Sounds like anime looks” - Noisey) left off. “Okarina Of Time” and “Saccade Two” bookend the EP with double doses of 64-bit turn up, while “Saccade One” and “Gold” (featuring Chicago rising star Mick Jenkins) bring out a heady, jazzy side to HK that we’ve never heard before. Yet nowhere is High Klassified’s singular swag more evident than “Time In Vain,” and its creepy, cheeky must-see video. Kronostasis is where futuristic slaps meet one-of-a-kind personality: play it loud, follow HK on Snapchat (trust us), and stay tuned for more.
High Klassified | Time In Vain | Official Music Video
Check High Klassified!
Snapchat: @highklassified
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