Athony Nardolillo is a man on a mission. He is an actor, director….and fellow salsero!
Anthony NardolilloHe has produced a variety of latin dance related projects including the critically acclaimed short film, Mano. Nardolillo’s latest project is a full length feature film entitled Shine. The story will be about two brothers, once renowned NYC Salsa dancers, who are reunited years after the death of their father, on opposing ends of gentrification.
Check out the preview clip for Shine below!
Please see Anthony’s message below in how you can support the film!
Just want to ask if I can get your support on what hopefully will be next year’s secret film success. We are now on our way to being the highest funded Latino film ever on Kickstarter. I really need you if possible to support me on this even if only a few dollars. We only get this if we reach our goal. I’ve been at this 9 years and this final push will get this movie made. I know you have other priorities but if you could just take two minutes and pledge, we only receive the money if we reach our goal.
Visit the Kickstarter link below to pledge and support one of our fellow dancers!
Donate on the Kickstart link and make a difference.
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