So this is probably one of the coolest concepts ive seen in a while, mos def a must have in any Latino Vehicle. Cruisin with Cultura!!! You can buy these Air Fresheners at
Spanish Translation:
Fü•chee•lä (noun) : phrase used when something is smelly or off-putting usually olfactory-related.
"Fúchila," exclaimed Orlando, " did you just take your shoes off!?"
First and foremost, Fúchila is based on great design and making people happy. The olfactory system is strongly linked to the areas of the brain involved in motivation and long-term, emotional, place memory. Through scent and design, I want to bring back those iconic figures we grew up with and with them the fond memories of our childhood.
One day, I pulled up to a light and I realized that everyone around me had the same feo "little green trees" on their rear-view mirrors. What you hang from your mirror says a lot about you. That is why I started Fúchila Fresheners. I designed a line of air fresheners that not only look and smell great, but you can hang with orgullo from your mirror (even long after the smell has faded). No gas station air fresheners ni que nada!
I typically portray the actors, musicians, comedians and historical figures that I grew up idolizing. It isn't a secret that I'm Chicano or Mexican-American, but I designed Fúchila Fresheners for all people.
I'll take care of the packaging, so don't try and put me in a box.
Con Amor,

La Mera Frida
Scent: Plumeria. Smells like a bouquet of flowers.
The most iconic eyebrows ever, Frida Kahlo (July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954) is most well known for her beautiful and symbolically rich self-portraits. The Mexican painter's work (largely ignored while she was alive) was emblematic of the rich indigenous tradition and had an uncompromising depiction of the female experience. Her life long health problems caused by a major accident she suffered as a teenager informed a lot of her work as she was constantly in isolation recovering. She did all this while also putting up with her husband, Diego Rivera. In other words, Kahlo was a badass ruca.

Roberto Gómez Bolaño (Feb 21, 1929 - November 28, 2014) better known as Chespirito, is regarded as one of the most important Spanish-language comedians of our generation. He was internationally know for his works which he wrote, directed and starred in including Chespirito, Chavo del Ocho, and El Chapulin Colorado. His spirit and love for his craft lives on through the loving, conniving, and almost innocent characters he created. Just recently, Netflix posted the entire El Chapulin Colorado series. Grab some popcorn with Tapatio and limon and take a seat, because a marathon is in order. Síganme los buenos!

Paletero Cart: PRESALE
Scent: Strawberry. Enough said.
After church, down the street, or by the park...those bells are unmistakable! It's the paletero man! Ice-cream and sheer happiness on wheels. If you have a sweet tooth, fond memory of asking your parents for a dollar and running after the bells then this Fúchila Freshener is for you! Ándale, you can finally afford your own paletas!

El Burrito
Scent: Wild Cherry
In pre-colonial times, the Aztecs had a ceremony to celebrate the birthday of Huitzilopochtli, the god of war. After the Spaniards' conquest of the area, the ceremony was co-opted for purposes of converting the natives to Catholicism. The ceremony included breaking a large container full of treats. Although breaking a piñata today has lost a lot of its religious character, the party really doesn't start until your Tio climbs on the roof and starts pulling on that rope! Make it easy on yourself and buy El Burrito for your car and you can have all the candies you want! We won't judge.

SOLD OUT / La Calavera
Scent: Cinnamon. Smells like the Hot Tamale candy.
Sugar skulls are typically made during Dia de Los Muertos to commemorate our loved ones who have passed. You can celebrate your familia everyday with this calavera hanging from your rear view.

El Demonio: PRESALE
Scent: Fresh Linen. Smells like Suavitel or laundry detergent.
Alejandro Muñoz Moreno, (April 24, 1922 – December 16, 2000) better known as Blue Demon, was a Mexican luchador Enmascarado who was widely considered to be one of the greatest Mexican wrestlers of his time. During his successful careers, he also made many masked cameos in Hollywood movies and starred in his own documentary "Blue Demon". As his friends called him, long live "Manotas"!

Máscara de Plata: PRESALE
Scent: Black Ice. Like cologne.
Rodolfo Guzmán Huerta, (Sept. 23, 1917 - Feb 5, 1984) better known as El Santo, was a member of the "Big Three" (including Blue Demon and Mil Mascaras). He was one of the most famous and influential luchadores of his time. He reached a unique level of stardom through his appearances in many lucha libre movies and comic books. Known for never removing his mask, even in private company, Santo had a special meal-time mask with a larger mouth to allow him to eat. A week before his death, El Enmascarado de Plata showed his face bidding his fans farewell.

La Chingona: PRESALE
Scent: Cran-Orange. Like Big Sticks popsicles.
La Chingona, (June 1, 2015 - Present) was born out of a declaration of the chingona lifestyle. Being a chingona (or "badass female") is a choice and a state of mind. Chingonas are strong, dedicated, motivated women. This design is to honor all these mujeres in the #FuchilaFamilia. Órale!

The Three Ladies
from 25.00
A.R.T.E. Collectors Series:
The Three Ladies by Abraham Ortega
Born and raised in San Jose, Ca, Abraham Ortega is a skilled tattoo artist renown for his iconic Chicano imagery, most notably, his “Ladies”. Ortega is inspired by his upbringing and has a passion for classic cars. He is currently in residency at Death Before Dishonor Tattoo in San Jose, Ca.
Set includes Fúchila Fresheners buttons, stickers and a numbered card of authenticity.

Little Nopales ™
Scent: Pine Mist
We have all seen them. Those boring green trees hanging from everyones mirrors. Fúchila Fresheners is ushering in a new era of arte and cultura for your car. Introducing Little Nopales, the fresh choice for your carro! This will change the freshener game forever. Tell your tia!

Viva Villa: PRESALE
Scent: Vanilla. Smells almost like sugar.
José Doroteo Arango Arámbula aka Francisco "Pancho" Villa (5 June 1878 – 20 July 1923) was one of the most prominent Mexican revolutionary generals of his time and continues to be one of the most iconic images of the revolution and anti-dictatorship. Many legends surround his storied past as the leader of the Villistas including surviving death by firing squad and escape from jail for his crimes. Later in life, President Wilson sent a search party of 5,000 US soldiers to track Villa down, but Villa was never found. To this day, his murder is shrouded in mystery with many conspiracy theories. His image and story remains alive through those who still swear they road with El Gran Pancho Villa.

Papel Picado
Scent: Lemon Burst
Papel picado (perforated paper) is a Mexican folk art depicting elaborate designs cut from tissue paper with a chisel. Our Papel Picado features El Sol rising over the fields as La Luna gets into bed. Bring la fiesta with you on a daily basis. Just be sure to pay attention to the road!

Fúchila Familia Fund
100% of the proceeds donated by us all will be put towards a bi-annual scholarship supporting young, aspiring entrepreneurs (ages 12-19) with business development and start up costs.
Donate $25 or more and receive a FREE Fúchila Freshener as a thank you from us!
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