Friday, February 7, 2014

Archie Bang | Rewind | Directed by Arjae Franko

While Chicago may be called Chiraq or Chiberia, Archie Bang laces up his Timbs everyday in Flatbush Vietnam where it's best not to be on the streets after 11 o'clock. He and the Jack Boys look up at the Barclays lights for motivation while they live by the "coke lines, gun powder, stars and stripes." With a somber Sargon The Great beat haunted by a piano melody, Archie has captured the essence of a Trap record perfectly with the imagery provided by his lyrics and visuals, directed by Arjae Franko. You can crucify the man and misquote him but he'll still be penning the truth as he lives it everyday. Stay tuned for Archie Bang's forthcoming album 'Never Say Die Vol. 1 (80's Babies),' which is scheduled for a February 4th release date.

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